Companies can secure themselves and accomplish acknowledgment when they effectively assemble their brand identity. On the off chance that they have a strong brand identity, it can assist them with acquiring the consideration, trust, and loyalty of their customers. 

Generally, companies think about their logo as their brand identity and don’t consider further articulations separated from the logo. Corporate brand identity is significantly more than just having a logo design.

Logo design isn’t sufficient in building serious areas of strength for a brand identity. A company has to focus on other aspects of brand identity as well besides logo design. 

” Create a Visual Identity, 

Then Spread It Like Glitter “

Brand identity is the face of a brand. Brand identity is the visual component of a brand that represents larger ideas.

Brand identity incorporates logos, typography, colors, packaging, and messaging, and it supplements and builds up the current standing of a brand. The brand identity draws in new customers to a brand while causing existing clients to feel at ease. It’s both outward-and internal facing.

6 Elements of Identity Design apart from Logo Design


1. Photographic Library

Each brand should have a photographic library. Putting together a brand’s assortment of photographs and videos can be a daunting task. 

The objective of having a photographic library is to drift the best material in your collection to the top so it very well may be utilized in visual communication.

From the traditional media of billboards and magazine promotions to the more contemporary and popular media of Instagram posts and web journals, quality expert photography is a need.

By integrating quality photography, your sites will be more captivating to visitors, particularly taking into account that blogs with photographs get 94% more views!

At the point when you are thinking long haul about your content, it requires genuine thought of the kinds of photographs you really want consistently. It gives concentration to the sorts of advertising efforts you need to do, the stylish you maintain that your social networks should have and the sort of content you need on your site and blog.

Thoroughly considering the creation of a photograph library permits your group to get inventive, plan ahead and be prepared for whatever comes your direction. A photograph library isn’t just a resource for your content; it can change your whole marketing strategy. 

2. Color Library

Color libraries have an incredible importance to make a compelling brand identity for a brand. With new brands arising each and every other day, ensuring that your brand stands apart is significant.

A brand color palette corporates a bunch of colors that address your brand personality. The colors in your brand color palette will be utilized in your logo, on your site, in your business cards, and so on. Subsequently, it is essential to pick your brand color palette with the utmost level of attention.

A brand must have to choose primary colors ( your brand representing color), secondary colors ( created by mixing two or more primary colors) and tertiary colors also if the brand is highly diversified. 

Colors play a significant part in conveying the message and the thought behind your brand. Studies have demonstrated that 60% of the customers concluded their liking to a brand simply founded on the brand colors.

Various colors evoke different emotions in the customers. For instance, red shows urgency though white portrays harmony. Understanding how each variety gives the right means to your brand will assist you with picking colors in view of your transparent brand personality. 

3. Font Library

Every brand has their own different color palettes depending on the brand and uses a specific font family in the establishment of their brand content hierarchy. 

Picking the ideal brand font styles for your brand is basically as significant as picking brand colors. They establish visual hierarchy, create harmony and set the overall tone of your brand. 

Font styles play a critical part in website and packaging design, picking the ideal font style can be colossally useful for any brand.

You can find a large number of free text styles promptly accessible on the internet in each of the styles like Serif Fonts, Sans Serif Fonts, Slab Serif Fonts, Handwritten text, etc. There are additionally paid text styles you can buy made by proficient typographers and originators who have broad information in design.

You may likewise consider making custom textual styles uniquely made for your brand. Many leading businesses have fostered their own text styles to try not to pay permit charges. Brands like Netflix has its own Netflix Sans, YouTube has its own YouTube Sans.

4. Graphic Library

Graphic library is one of the most significant expressions of brand identity. Every brand must have illustrations, vectors, images representing their uniqueness in this highly competitive market and showing its visual characters.

Utilizing Illustrations rather than customary stock pictures can be an extraordinary approach to making your Brand stand out.

By finding the right graphic library for your brand, your clients will see your brand very much like you need them to. Whether you pick representations, vectors or innovative designs, your brand illustrations will turn out to be essential for your brand’s visual identity. 

To address this issue, numerous culinary brands grab graphics on the go. And keeping in mind that this might get you the content you want meanwhile, it keeps your brand taking a look at the prompt situation as opposed to focusing on long term opportunities for success. 

At the point when you think about each of the functioning pieces of your business that need graphic designs, it turns into a priceless asset to have a library set up.

5. Pattern Library

It’s great to have a pattern library for a brand either global or local which shows customization of the brand. Creation of a pattern library considered as the solution to the particular problems faced by the larger websites.

A pattern library is an assortment of user interface design components. Basically a pattern library is a collection of design elements that seem on numerous occasions on a site.

As a brand grows in size and intricacy (particularly in the event that many sub brands are involved) the contention for an example library is overpowering.

To oversee brand personality, associations ought to put resources into the brand pattern library that assists them with remaining reliable while as yet having the adaptability and the speed important to prevail in the present market. Parts of this framework could incorporate Slideshows, Navigation, Social media highlights, News Listings, Related connections and Carousels.

The way to make an extraordinary Pattern Library is beginning right off the bat in lined up with brand personality improvement. It’s a lot harder to make pattern libraries later on when everything is set up.

6. Character Library

Importance of the Character library for the brand has risen because of upsurge in its current demand. 

Character library includes fully rigged characters, high quality textures with changeable colors which are connected with the brand. 

As an entrepreneur, you could have already defined the Character Library of the brand that assists you fabricate major areas of strength for a with your customers. In this way, understanding the message each character passes on will make the cycle more straightforward for the brand.

Today, numerous well known brands like Facebook, Behance, and Pinterest use character libraries to associate with their designated crowd to have a successful brand identity.

Customers perceive your brand in view of the steady exertion towards making a brand identity. A brand kit is the portrayal of the uniqueness your brand stands out. The importance and consistency of the character library are tremendous in this visual period.

Brand identity actually must be predictable. Since it’s addressing and supporting the emotions of a brand, the message depicted by brand personality parts should be clear, and it should be similar regardless of where it’s shown.

Collation of a Brand Book

The brand book can be portrayed as your brand’s user manual. It is a critical tool and tells everybody exhaustively how to utilize your brand image, on any support, both online and offline.

The brand book is the cornerstone of a branding technique. It contains every one of the components that make up your brand, from its establishing principles (mission, vision, values… ) to its visual personality (logo, colors, visuals..). Consequently, it fills in as the report of reference for everything connected with the utilization of your brand.

It is a fundamental piece of any communication strategy. The brand book ought to express a gathering of rules and best practices with respect to the utilization of your brand on any support.

The brand book ought to reflect the particular components that make your brand unique and exceptional. It permits major areas of strength for a brand personality and speaks in a clear, reliable voice.

This harmonization is critical: it improves brand recognition, as well as the trust individuals place in your brand. This establishes the foundation for strong brand awareness and a positive brand picture.

The brand book itself ought to be the concentrated articulation of your brand: its content should reflect the soul of your brand in a detailed, jazzy and succinct way.

Why create a brand book?

While making your brand book, you should remember these 5 objectives to give shape to serious areas of strength for a strong brand identity.

Make sense of what your brand is: what is its purpose, how it works, and what it addresses.

Guarantee it is coherent. Make certain to define coherent guidelines for its utilization on different computerized and physical stages, including:

  • sites
  • social media
  • business reports
  • business cards…

Coordinate the activities and projects of the relative multitude of divisions working with your brand: business, marketing, communication…

Unite individuals around a typical brand culture and a soul, from long-lasting collaborators to fresh recruits, as well as candidates (manager brand).

Take on a bound-together communication system in your associations with all partners, for example,

  • providers
  • financial institutions
  • customers
  • the media…